Oil and gas occurrences in Hungary and their features

  • István Koncz
Keywords: history of hydrocarbon exploration, distributions and features of fields, source rocks, migration mechanisms and pathways, Hungary


In this study, the author gives a historical overview about hydrocarbon exploration in periods before and after the World War II. Distributions of the geological resources are investigated according to exploration areas, depths and ages of reservoirs. Characteristic features of oils and gases are summarized. Verified and possible source rocks of oil and gas fields are taken into consideration. Migration mechanisms and pathways are discussed. Finally, the author suggests the potential future exploration targets for hydrocarbon exploration.

How to Cite
KonczI. (2022). Oil and gas occurrences in Hungary and their features. Földtani Közlöny, 152(3), 259. https://doi.org/10.23928/foldt.kozl.2022.152.3.259