Mineralogical mosaics from the Carpathian–Pannonian region 3
This is the third paper of the authors named above (SZAKÁLL et al. 2013, 2014a) where new, mosaic-like mineralogical data are presented from the Carpathian–Pannonian region. Data are arranged by countries and localities. Every section gives an accurate description (including XRPD, EMPA, SEM-EDX results) of the minerals and a concise description of their parageneses. Every discussed mineral is first described from the given locality and in many times even from the whole region.
From Hungary the following minerals are described: (i) sabelliite from a polymetallic ore indication at Balatonfüred, (ii) elbaite from a gravel pit at Darnózseli, (iii) pectolite and sérandite from phonolite of the Mecsek Mts, and (iv) phillipsite and chabazite from basalts found in the evaporite deposit of Alsótelekes.
From Romania the following minerals are described: (i) annabergite-köttigite solid solution from the ore deposit of Cârlibaba, and (ii) pharmacolite and picropharmacolite associated with realgar from Moldova Nouă and Şaru Dornei. From Slovakia the following minerals are described: (i) based on EPMA results, the undetermined tourmaline from Kapka (Remetské Hámre) is classified as magnesiofoitite, a (ii) chemical and morphological description of sodalite from Bulhary, and (iii) two secondary Ni sulphates, retgersite and nickelhexahydrite, from the Co-Ni ore deposit of Dobšiná.
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