Nodular calcrete from the Lower Permian Korpád Sandstone Formation (borehole Dinnyeberki 9015, Mecsek Mts, Hungary) and its palaeoenvironmental significance

  • Andrea Varga
  • Béla Raucsik
  • Bernadett Bajnóczi


The Korpád Sandstone in the 9015 drill core situated in the Mecsek Mts consists of red mudstones and interbedded calcrete crusts with sandstones and conglomerates. Calcrete microfabrics reveal micritic mottles, rhizocretions, smaller
root casts and Microcodium-like aggregates. These features, together with the mineralogy, suggest a relatively dry climate with a low amount of rainfall (100–500 mm/year) during pedogenesis. Calcite cements are interpreted to have
precipitated first in an oxidizing meteoric environment; then, after initial burial, under reducing conditions.

Hogyan kell idézni
VargaA., RaucsikB., & BajnócziB. (2020). Nodular calcrete from the Lower Permian Korpád Sandstone Formation (borehole Dinnyeberki 9015, Mecsek Mts, Hungary) and its palaeoenvironmental significance. Földtani Közlöny, 142(4), 375-378. Elérés forrás
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